In the past, being smart with your money meant being disciplined with your saving and spending. Now, becoming an investor is the topic of conversation amongst folks eager to build wealth.
Investing is by no means a sure-fire way of making extra money. But, investing mindfully can create lucrative returns for you and your loved ones.
There are numerous investment strategies you can explore, but it can be difficult to know what is out there and where to start. This guide will help to outline a few of the many options you have for investing.
Real estate
Real estate can be a great investment opportunity. You can become a house flipper where you buy the house outright, renovate it and then sell the house for more than you bought. This method can offer the fastest return, however, it does require having money (aka capital) beforehand to purchase and renovate the property. If you are a beginner at investing, this short-term strategy may not be the best place to start.
If you are looking for long-term investments, then rental properties may be the investment for you. It is common practice to buy a home and then set the rent higher than your monthly mortgage payments. In other words, as the landlord your mortgage plus a portion of other house-related expenses are being paid by the renter.
In the beginning, it is custom to maintain a full-time job while acquiring properties to rent. You will need to surround yourself with a good team to make this dream a reality. It may be best to look at realtors to help you with your buying and selling.
Crypto and stock investments
Another long-term investment opportunity that you can look into is either stocks and/or cryptocurrency.
If you are starting out then it could be a good idea to start small, invest what you can, then if you do well cash out your investment and use the gains to keep investing. This process is a slow burner, but if done mindfully it can be very lucrative. There are companies that mine crypto to offer investment opportunities that can do the work for you. If you have the ability and money then you can also invest big and see bigger gains. However, remember that the bigger the potential for gains, there is also the potential for bigger losses.
Furthermore, there are investment opportunities that you can explore, like cryptocurrency IRAs, which offer a way to diversify your retirement portfolio. This allows investors to benefit from the growth of cryptocurrencies while enjoying certain tax advantages associated with traditional IRAs
Seek the expertise of a wealth management specialist
If you don’t feel confident investing your money without advice, then seek the support of a wealth management advisor such as William Montgomery Cerf or Cresset Capital (please note that Money & Mimosas does not endorse either advisory group). Wealth management advisors can help you work out how much of your finances you should invest, and when it’s a good idea to save rather than put into stocks, shares, or other investments. As with hiring any professional, be sure to do your due diligence to ensure that they are a good fit for you.
Wealth managers also work with your accounts and help you set up the necessary wills and trusts to protect your finances in the future. They can provide financial and tax planning, management of your estate and other services to help you make the most of your finances.
If you are looking to start investing and for ways on how to become an investor, hopefully the above tips helped you gain more of an understanding of the steps to take to build your investment portfolio.