
Making your passion your paycheck

Imagine waking up every morning, excited to jump out of bed and greet the day ahead. A day full of everything you want to do. Reading your favorite blogs, writing, catching up on the latest Hollywood news, grabbing a mid-morning tea with a girlfriend before heading to yoga.

Then getting your BOSS on with meetings and socialite events. Maybe there’s even a photoshoot thrown in the mix before you head home to wrap up emails and plan for the following day.

Whatever your passion is, there is a way to make it a part of your life. In fact, it is a necessity. Whether you’re doing it just for fun, or want to get paid, giving yourself permission to follow your passion is an important step in feeling fulfilled.

We, of course, are big fans of you getting paid to pursue your passion. Because money is a tool for you to be able to further express your creative talents and experience all that life has to offer. If you haven’t already, be sure to read our 14 reasons why you need to launch your side hustle, NOW. Once you’re done reading it, let’s get to work and make your passion your paycheck.

Here are the ten steps to take to make your dream life, a reality:

Wealth Wednesday on Money & Mimosas


  1. Visualize. Spend fifteen minutes daydreaming about the life you wish to create. What are the activities you’re doing, who are you hanging out with, what feelings are you experiencing, foods you are eating...the more detailed you are, the better!

  2. Choose a focus. If you are like most creatives, you have a lot of ideas that you wish to pursue. In the beginning, it is ok to try different tasks but always have one task as your guiding light. And make sure that all of the other tasks support that guiding light.

  3. Set financial goals. One year from now, how much money do you wish to add to your savings account? How many trips do you want to take and how much will they cost? Think through all of the experiences you wish to have and how much it will cost.

  4. Write down your goals. Gaining clarity on what you want accomplish is a HUGE step in achieving it. Spend a few minutes writing down your financial and life goals. Then, set a deadline to achieve it.

  5. Write a one-page business plan. Include all of your marketing activities that you will do to achieve your goals. If you are a blogger or vlogger, how many pieces of content will you create each week? How often will you post on social media? How many prospective clients or sponsors will you reach out to each week? Write it down.

  6. Create a financial foundation. Open up a bank account that is dedicated to supporting your goal of making your passion your paycheck. This account will be used to deposit any earnings you have, and cover any expenses. Not sure which account to use? We love the hybrid-checking account from Radius Bank. It’s perfect for tech-savvy, creatives like yourself.

  7. Find a money buddy. We all get discouraged or distracted, and having an accountability partner will help you stay on task. Check out our tips on how to choose the right money buddy for you!

  8. Create a daily checklist. Write down one thing you will do everyday to make your dreams a reality.

  9. Write down your gifts. Many of us work towards goals, reach them, and then quickly work towards the next one without stopping to congratulate ourselves. Next to your goals, write down the gifts you will treat yourself to once you achieve them. It can be a walk around the park on a Tuesday afternoon or a spa day treatment.

  10. Schedule a money date. Set aside 15 minutes every week to do your #MoneyandMimosas date. This is where you review your finances and note your progress. Once you’re done, be sure treat yourself to a mimosa.

For more tips on how to turn your passion into a paycheck, join our weekly insider list full of money tips to help you live your best.