
Should you start your own freelancing business?

Flexible hours, creative freedom, work from anywhere…

The life of a freelancer is a dream. If you’re currently in a career path that feels dull and soul-draining, you may be eager to jump ship at any moment. However, being a freelancer and working for yourself is not a walk in the park. I have cried myself to sleep, cried throughout the day, overdrawn my bank account, felt disrespected by people who did not take my work or Money & Mimosas seriously.

And despite having control over my schedule- I work ten times more than I ever did at any job.

With all of that said, I would not change being a freelancer for the world. The personal growth, the relationships, the freedom that has been cultivated from this experience has allowed my soul to express its divine purpose on this planet. Being a freelancer is not for everyone.

Please read that line again.

But, for those that is for, you will be so glad you took a chance on yourself to create the life of your dreams.

Money & Mimosas

If you are thinking about starting your own freelancer business, here are some questions to ask yourself to gain clarity on whether or not this is the path for you.

  1. Do you feel creatively stifled? We all feel this way from time to time, so it is also important to ask yourself if there are shifts you can make in your current career to feel more creatively fulfilled. Jumping to the freelancer ship solely because you hate your job is not the healthiest path to choose. You should become a freelancer because you love freelancing.

  2. What is the vision you hold for your life and how does being a freelancer support this vision? Perhaps you want to take a year off to travel. Or raise a family and have total freedom over your schedule. Or maybe you want to create a body of work that will stand the test of time. Reflect on your vision and how the life of a freelancer can support it.

  3. Why do you want to be a freelancer? This can be a profound reason such as eliminating world poverty. Or it can be simple like mine- I wanted to be able to take yoga on Thursdays without asking for permission. Whatever your reason, it is valid because it is what you want. And what you want, matters.

  4. Are you willing to do the inner work to create this business? The biggest lesson I’ve learned over the years is that working for yourself is a journey of self-love, personal development and incredibly emotional. You will see your flaws up close and you will need to make tough decisions that may piss off people who are benefitting from you playing small. All of this takes courage and the will to thrive.

  5. Are you willing to give it five years? One of my favorite quotes that I hear Meghan Markle say often is “Don’t give it five minutes, if you’re not willing to give it five years.” This is so true when it comes to building a successful career as a freelancer. Of course you have the right to try something for a few months or a couple of years, and decide that it is not for you. But, I believe you should go into the experience with the mentality that you will give it your best shot. Otherwise, why even do it at all?