Four Tips on How to Save More Money

Let's face it, most if us could do with a bit more money. There aren't many people who can honestly say that they can afford to buy everything they want and go wherever they want. And although time is a huge factor, the main thing stopping them is money. With a bit more money in your savings pot, you may be able to live a better quality of life. However, how do you do this? It isn't that easy to get promoted or get another job. Well, the good news is you don't always need a new job to save money; all you need is a little change in attitude to get you going.

Quit Tapping

Tapping your card is a pretty ordinary thing to do these days. However, it is also a great way to spend more than you think. Tapping here and there is too easy, and it can quickly escalate. Tapping is a great way to not be aware of how much you are spending. Sometimes you may not even hear the total before tapping. So your spending can soon end up on your overdraft. If this sounds like you, then you could get the tapping feature disabled on your card. Alternatively, you could try drawing all the money you want to use each month out and working with cash. It is much easier to monitor your spending when you can physically see it.

Take Opportunities

In life, sometimes a bad thing can turn into a good thing. This could be anything from something relatively minor such as your utility company misbilling you and you complaining and getting $5 compensation, all the way up to an accident that was not your fault. It may be worth getting a car accident lawyer. If something goes wrong, use it as an opportunity to get some kind of monetary compensation. Everything you get back is more in your savings pot.


Investing money can be so much more lucrative than keeping money in a saving account. Saving accounts have notoriously low interest, even now since the interest rates have risen. With investing, you are much more likely to ensure your money keeps pace with inflation, or surpasses it. When it comes to investing, you have a lot of choices, from bonds, either government or corporate, stocks and shares, cryptocurrencies, collectibles, property, etc. The best thing you can do is research the type of investment that interests you. It may even be worthwhile discussing your plans with a financial advisor. UI is very important to remember that you should never go into an investment you do not 100% understand.

Be Realistic

If you really want to save a lot more money, then it may be time to become realistic. Are you living a life that matches your income? If not, then what can you live without? Can you really afford that haircut every two weeks, of that weekly night out to the expensive part of town? Saving money is about being honest with yourself.