7 Money Habits To Start Today That Will Make You Rich

Similar to reaching fitness goals, it takes consistent effort to reach financial goals. Unless you were born with unlimited access to funds, becoming rich will take focus and intention. It all starts with practicing healthy money habits. Here are seven habits that will make you rich.

Money & Mimosas

Habit One: Visualizing daily.

Your imagination is one of the most powerful tools to manifest money. Unfortunately, most people overlook it or misuse it to create experiences of lack. In the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, he describes the importance of using our synthetic and creative imagination faculties to attract whatever we want into our life. Your synthetic imagination enables you to dream up ideas based on your past experiences. Your creative imagination is your connection to the Universal mind. It allows you to receive hunches and insights that are beyond your lived experiences. Ask yourself, who is the woman I wish to become? What is she wearing and who is she hanging out with? What types of activities does she enjoy? Visualization is daydreaming with purpose and lays the groundwork for -literally- living the life of your dreams.

Habit Two: Brainstorming money-making opportunities.

Even in the midst of a pandemic or economic downturn, there are infinite ways of making money. Sometimes it takes getting really creative, but it is always possible to expand or create new income streams. Brainstorming is a muscle. The more you use it, the more effective you become. The opposite is also true. The less you use it, the muscle will atrophy. Make it a habit to brainstorm ways you can make money. In doing so, you will train your mind to spot opportunities that others will fail to see.

Further reading: 22 ways to make money from your couch

Habit Three: Taking accountability for your financial situation.

When you take responsibility for your situation, you take your power back. Certainly, there are systemic injustices in most economies that need to be addressed and drastically changed. At the same time, it is imperative for you to own your own economy and be proactive about elevating your personal financial situation. It is similar to the health industry. There are corporations that are poisoning the food supply with chemicals. They need to be held accountable. With that said, each of us is also responsible for doing the best we can to fuel our bodies with wholesome foods. Your power lies in taking accountability for all of your financial decisions.

Habit Four: Elevate your money mindset.

Just like you need to fuel your body with wholesome foods, you need to fill your mind with rich thoughts. Your beliefs drive your thoughts which drive your actions which produce your results. An abundant mindset will help you remain positive, optimistic, and open to new opportunities. Whereas a scarcity mindset will keep you in the gutter of despair and financial struggle. Refresh your mind daily with money mantras (you can follow me on Instagram to read my daily mantras) and read uplifting financial news to keep your spirits high.

Further Reading: Seven simple daily practices to shift from a scarcity to an abundant mindset in 2020

Free training: Listen to my one-hour webinar on Elevating your money mindset

Habit Five: Surround yourself with abundant-minded folks.

They say your net worth is the average of the five people you hang around. I believe this is a result of the combination of tangible financial assets and their outlook on life. You want to surround yourself with folks who have both. Ii’s not enough to hang out with people who are rich on paper but have a poor outlook on life. It is also sabotaging to your financial goals if the people you hang around are nice, but do not prioritize their own financial well-being. This is a big part of the reason why I created the Money-Makers Circle. A lot of the Money & Mimosas readers wrote to me to say that it was hard to practice an abundant mindset when their family or closed ones were so negative. The Money-Makers Circle connects our readers from around the world (we’re in over fifty countries!) so they can be surrounded by like-minded, abundant-minded folks.

For more information: Check out the Money-Makers Circle

Habit Six: Take risks.

The higher the risk, the greater the reward. Yes, the fall can be much further but you’ll never reach the heights of your potential if you don’t put yourself out there. Whether it’s launching a side hustle, sharing your dreams with another person, posting your artwork on social media, or taking on a paid project even if you don’t feel ready - you have to take risks in order to become rich. It is as simple, and as terrifying, as that.

Habit Seven: Invest in your learning and personal growth.

Read books on investing. Hire a personal coach. Learn about chakras, astrology, economics, arts, and culture. The more you know yourself and the more you indulge in learning, the richer you will become. As Warren Buffet says, “the best investment you can make is in yourself.”

Join: my Free Financial Friday webinars to learn more about yourself, economics and other money topics

Join: the Money-Makers Circle as we dive into a new money book each month

About Money & Mimosas: Money & Mimosas was started as a passion project by Danetha. A former NFL cheerleader turned entrepreneur, she started blogging as a way to combine all of her passions into a career. Money & Mimosas is now enjoyed by readers in over fifty countries with the same dream of achieving financial freedom without living frugally.

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