Many people see investing as a way to build more wealth in the future. But it is also a tool you can use to reduce your expenses today.
Think about why you invested in your home. Instead of renting or living in hotels, you bought a property with a relatively low occupation cost.
The same goes for your health. Going to the gym won’t make you any money (at least not directly). But it will reduce the risk of having to cough up a lot of cash for costly medical treatment in the future.
Today, many people are considering investing in reducing their energy usage (or more specifically, their reliance on fossil fuels). But should you do the same? This article explores your options.
The Environmental Need
The primary reason to invest in reduced energy consumption is the environmental need. Researchers believe that the Earth may go through a period of dangerous warming over the coming two decades that could make many parts of the planet essentially uninhabitable.
For individuals, this is bad news. Most of the world’s population actually lives in these problematic zones, particularly in India, China, and Southeast Asia. Problems are also likely to crop up in the U.S. too, though, including Texas and Louisiana which get high humidity and temperatures at the same time if temperatures rise any further.
For this reason, many people are making the logical decision to curb their carbon emissions. These individuals want to protect the people of the future and want to preserve their wealth. An overheated world is not one where the majority of people want to live. Curbing energy consumption reduces the demand for fossil fuels and CO2 emissions.
The Economic Benefits
Reducing energy usage at a household level also has various economic benefits. Families pay less for using appliances, lighting, and so on.
The great thing about today’s energy-efficient appliances and products is that they tend to offer the same high quality of service as more energy-intensive options. Manufacturers are continually developing new ways to make them efficient and practical.
Governments are also providing incentives for people to reduce their conventional energy use. As The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Solar Panel Tax Credit makes clear, many authorities are looking for ways to actively assist people in getting off-grid and generating their own power. As such, you may not have to pay full price for any installation you get.
The Reliability Benefits
When you reduce your energy consumption or invest in sustainable alternatives, you also enable a more reliable energy supply. While renewables aren’t the most consistent by themselves, they provide homeowners with more options in situations where the mains supply is no longer available. Battery energy storage and intermittent solar or wind can provide some homes with emergency energy when they need it the most.
The Comfort Benefits
You might also experience greater comfort by investing in reducing your energy use. The most energy-efficient buildings, for instance, tend to be the most comfortable for occupants because they have fewer drafts and temperature variations. They also have higher indoor air quality, thanks to filters in HVAC systems or cavity walls.
Comfort reaches a peak in the summer and winter months. High-quality insulation keeps heat waves out between June and September, and warm air in the home from November to March.
The Business Benefits
If you use your home for business, you may encounter additional benefits. Reducing energy usage is a strategic move that helps you lower your costs and increase your margins.
It’s also good for business premises, not only because of cost savings but also the beneficial effects it can have on your brand. Operating costs tend to be significantly lower when using sustainable energy resources, and companies appear greener and more environmentally friendly, improving their perception by the general public.
So should you invest in reducing your energy usage? For the most part, the answer is a compelling “yes.” Energy reduction investments have tremendous environmental, economic, and brand-related benefits. You can cut your bills and expenses and be perceived as greener and more responsible by others.
There are also long-term benefits. It’s hard to imagine a healthy investing future in a world where extreme heat and weather damage food supplies and harm human populations living in uninhabitable zones. Making changes now ensures a higher quality of life for everyone going forward.
Taking these steps towards reducing your consumption of energy isn’t a traditional step. But it does insulate you against fluctuating energy prices and rising temperatures.